Since 2008, we have partnered with many compassionate ministry groups to help those in poverty, despair, substance abuse or in need of hope through financial support and tangible items such as food, water, clothing & shelter.


Our Story

In June 2014, we went through the organizational process and became officially incorporated as a 501(c)3 in the State of Oklahoma. In 2016 we finalized a second phase to be officially recognized with the IRS with a valid tax letter. Through consultation with our CPA Carl Wiens of OKC we organized and have filed each year as a charitable organization with an annual budget of less than $50,000.

2020 was a significant year in our growth as an organization with Dana and I both having retired from our jobs and giving more effort to the missional objectives of our foundation.

All board members have been apprised on activities through these years and information on financial transactions at appropriate times. David O'Bannon has functioned as the unofficial chairman of the board and has been briefed monthly on specific projects and activities for approval. All members have contributed vital prayer and encouragement to our efforts and contributed time, efforts and money to specific ministry causes.

As we near our 7th anniversary of the foundation and observe the significant growth of 2020 we believe this is an appropriate time to reflect on our journey & give thanks. Since 2014, we have travelled many miles, cut and delivered many ricks of firewood and prayed for needed guidance. We are very grateful for the provision, safety and effectiveness that we have been blessed with on the mission thus far.

Many Thanks!
Paul McGrady
MF Director


“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word.”

— Martin Luther King Jr.


Our Purpose

  • Assisting compassionate ministries that feed and help the needs of the poor.

  • Supporting victims of tragedy & disaster.

  • Encouraging ministries to the Southwest Native American District | Church of the Nazarene.

  • Supplementing the scholarship endowment of the Paul McGrady Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund at Southern Nazarene University.

  • Mentoring & discipling future Christian leaders.

  • Supporting efforts and influence to continue the United States of America as “One Nation Under God” and the Bible as a foundation & guide for our country and to engage in any lawful act or activity for which corporations may be organized under the general corporation law of Oklahoma.


Our Team


Paul McGrady

Founder, Director
& Son of Paul J. McGrady Sr.

El Reno, OK

Miriam Bassinger

Board of Trustees
& Daughter of Paul J. McGrady Sr.

Allen, TX


Mike Brooks

Board of Trustees
& Retired BFC Pastor

Bethany, OK


Charles Van Eaton

Board of Trustees,
Accountant, Oil & Gas Investor

Auburn, AL

John D. Miller

Board of Trustees
& Attorney at Law

Bethany, OK

In memoriam of

Dave O’Bannon

Former Chairman, Board of Trustees
& SNU Professor

Dave had an immeasurable impact on the first decade of the McGrady Foundation’s existence. His leadership, vision & support of compassionate ministry will not be forgotten. To honor our friend and continue his good work, we’ve set up an annual scholarship program at Southern Nazarene University—where Dave himself attended and taught for many years. The Professor David O’Bannon Memorial Scholarship contributes to one well deserving student’s quest for a college education.